Here at Stone’s Throw Media, not only are we passionate about making videos for our clients, we’re also passionate about how the medium as a whole is of vital importance for organisations in this crazy digital age.
We think that if you’re an organisation and you’re not using video then, quite frankly, you’re falling behind your competitors. Our thoughts are one thing, however. Another thing entirely is some numbers to back these thoughts up.
That’s why in this blog post we’ll be taking a look at 30 great video statistics 2020 to help you better understand just how vital the medium is.
For a platform perhaps best known for its concise use of language, this really does show how important video has become. If your organisation has a presence on Twitter – and it should(!) – it’s definitely worth thinking about spreading your message using video as well as words on the platform.
People love skills. They want to learn. And that gives businesses a fantastic opportunity to showcase their products by demonstrating ‘how-to’ do something – videos which are fantastic for marketers and consumers alike.
Marketing managers want return on investment. So, when communicating your message to customers, think about just how powerful video is, the lasting impression it makes, and its ROI.
We live in an interactive age. People want to see and to be part of an experience. There’s nothing like the immersion of a video to really dig deep into the qualities of a product and make the customer feel involved at every step of the journey.
This new generation of customers understand the power of video like no other. They thrive on technology and see it as an extension of their day-to-day lives. With that in mind, why wouldn’t you show them a video which communicates the essentials of a product or service?
Content is all about the customer experience. Your words might be beautifully written (like these!!) but will that be enough in today’s video-centred age?
Describing a product is, of course, important. But what if you could show a customer how something works as well as just telling them? This is where video can transform someone’s understanding of a product and elevate their involvement beyond that of simply reading a product description.
Another one for marketing managers but also recruiters – think of all those job adverts (for example) that you’ve asked people to share on LinkedIn in the hope of finding the perfect match. Why not increase your chances of getting shares by incorporating within it a video outlining the job specification details or criteria?
Video could be the key to increasing that click-through rate. After all, just think how much more immersive and content rich your pages would be with more video!
Ah, the dreaded bounce rate. People want information, and they want it quickly. Video is a fast medium and leaves a lasting impression – a pretty good combination in our eyes!
Your online presence is likely to be more ‘social’ than ever in today’s digital world, so why not increase your chances of getting more of those lovely Likes or super Shares (we’re so, so sorry) with a video?!
Continued engagement is one of the key aspects of successful marketing. Do you think customers would be more likely to repeat-buy if they kept watching new videos produced by your company
Well, it looks like we chose the right avenue for our creative endeavours!
Marketing managers know the power of platforms like YouTube when it comes to showcasing products and services. After all, it’s a fantastic platform to use to create a persona and foster an engaging narrative surrounding your brand.
Our video above comes in at 1 minute 59 seconds, so just the 3.6m words to go…
That’s quite a lot of video watching, on the whole…
Attention spans are in high demand online and it’s not just consumers that are ruthless. Executives also want fast and relevant answers to their questions, – which is of course where video can make all the difference.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that YouTube is just a place for cat videos or people recording their Fortnite sessions. It’s now an incredibly important platform for your video content used by so many of your customers.
The numbers don’t lie – for getting your message across there really is one medium that outperforms the others!
Be honest – how many of you watched our video at the top before reading this? If you did, don’t worry – you’re certainly not alone!
Businesses are catching onto video more than ever! There are still lots of opportunities to be different, better and more consistent!
Yes, that is where we are now. TV is still popular but online video is outgrowing it and with more control for users and more available content who can blame them? It’s also fantastic news for anyone looking to advertise, with far more targeted adverts available online than television.
Better phones, better internet speed and better videos = increase in people watching video on their mobile. Simples!
These numbers even blow our brains, even as a video production company!
People love consuming video, so let them have it!
We’ve all been there. “How do I chop an onion properly” – YouTube has a video to save me!
People have less and less time and they learn more via the medium of video. Reading isn’t dead, it’s just that video is a more preferred way to receive communications.
That is…quite a lot!
A stat that shows how critical video is in marketing campaigns.
Better make sure that website is responsive!
So, there’s 30 video statistics in 2020 handpicked just for you. We hope they’ve given you something to think about!
Why not check out some of our other helpful videos and articles.