It might surprise you to know that we like to stay up to date with the world of video and keep abreast of the latest viral video trends that all these TikTok pretenders get themselves involved in.
Well, we’ve got news for you kids. We’re OG’s in the viral video game. We’ve seen them all. The pretenders, the real ones, the attempts and the successes.
So, why not look at some of the world’s most famous viral videos in a blog piece?
Read on for a trip down memory lane!
The Crazy Frog
As annoying today as it was back then, it’s stupid and catchy, but one of the first viral videos. You might remember Jay off the Inbetweeners attempt at a recreation, or even people having it as their ringtone on the first mp3 capable phones. A whole franchise was born off the back of it. Ridiculous but seemingly lasted forever.
Charlie bit me
It’s Charlie’s face. He knew what he was doing. There’s absolutely nothing creative to say about it or a way to leverage any kind of marketing thoughts, it was just a family with a camera on at the right time in the right place.
Gangnam Style
The first video to a billion views, it still haunts dancefloors across the world. Though slightly more contemporary than the first two choices, it can still be considered an OG, perhaps even a trailblazer. We’ve seen so many dance trends go viral since and the use of memes in marketing. M&Ms used the dance in a campaign, so did Abercrombie kids. There’s lessons here!
An interview gone wrong
There aren’t many funny things to remember about the pandemic, but this is definitely one of them. Parodies of it have tens of millions of views themselves; there might be a lesson to be learnt in this old jumping on a trend lark.
Miss Carolina Answers a Question
Described in one comment as ‘the only time in human history a question has been answered using the middle option of iPhone’s text suggestions.
It’s reminiscent of my answers to ‘where’s your homework?’ and all just a bit silly.
The Evolution of Dance
6 viral videos for your enjoyment; we hope you enjoyed the 10 mins you spent reading it and avoiding work.
Maybe there are some ideas in there that you might be transferable to your industry, or some creative sparks have been lit.
We hope you enjoyed and if you have any questions about marketing videos, please feel free to get in touch with us through our contact page.
Thanks for reading!
If you have any further questions about anything video or animation related, do get in touch!
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