We offer case study video production services to show, rather than tell, people what your organisation offers. Trust is an incredibly important part of building relationships with potential customers, so showing off your work is the best way to do it.
Case study videos are one of the most effective ways to show people what you do and the positive experiences that customers have had with you in the past.
Here’s a stat for you – 72% of customers prefer to learn about a product through video than any other medium. Rather than a short little paragraph about how well it went; show people! Get real life testimonials and examples of your work in action.
Regardless of your product or service, we are experienced across a huge variety of sectors and have the ability to shoot wherever you want. You might even want a bit of animation in there – we can do that too!
Get into the mind of your customers – what are they more likely to believe? You saying how great you are and being all contrived, or someone else saying it for you?
As a marketing tool, there’s an incredible amount of plus points to case study videos, including but definitely not limited to;
– Credibility
– Trust
– Insight into your work
– Help move people down the sales funnel
Build Trust
There is no better way to build trust in your product or service than clients waxing lyrical about it. It’s easy for you to sit and write paragraphs all over your website about how good you are; they might be the best written paragraphs on the planet, but they will never hold as much weight as someone giving a genuine breakdown of your product/service working well.
Let’s use a real life example – we could now write a paragraph about how we can guide you through the case study video process and make life as easy as possible for you, but instead we’re going to put a case study video of ours here.
Demonstrate what you do
There’s two ways to look at the idea of using your own words instead of a video.
There’s the danger of making something really bad sound really good and ending up with a bad review, disappointed customers and a diminishing reputation.
You can underplay something that’s worthy of showing off and not generating as many enquiries as you should. Of course, people might talk amongst themselves and you’ll get a few people phoning up about that. But why not film those words and share it to as many people as you can across the internet?
What problem does a case study video solve?
They can be the tipping point between getting in touch and not bothering. A consumer is gonna go for the place that has the reviews vs. none.
The money makers vs. the fakers. How can consumers tell who is the real deal and who’s talking a load of hot air? By watching legitimising opinions of third parties!
Take a look at some examples of case study videos we’ve been involved in before below.
You can even get an idea for how much one would cost here.
If you’d like to know more about case study videos or if we can help you out, don’t hesitate to contact us here
If you’d like some help with video, take a look at our Tips Playlist.
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