Bug Busters Animation

Bug Busters Animation
City of Wolverhampton Council
Our Brief

The City of Wolverhampton Council were looking to create an animation that would be shown in schools to educate children on preventing the spread of viruses/flu.

Bug Busters Animation

For this project, we created the bug busters animation that would animate the pages of a book created by the City of Wolverhampton Council called “Bug busters”.

As we were working with an existing concept, we had a headstart in with the content. This 2d animation in particular was to be shown to children of a primary school age, meaning we had to bear this in mind when creating the drawing style and language used to make sure the main message of the book gets across in a clear and fun way!

There were quite a few characters within the book which required a variety of different voices for them. We worked with a range of different voice over artists who produced a variety of voices perfectly capturing each of the different characters and their traits.

To add a layer of sparkle to the bug busters animation, our team of animators got to work creating and adding sound effects to really help bring the animation to life. With animation, sound is a very important element as it helps to emphasise what is on the screen and adds to the overall quality and enjoyment of watching for the viewer, whilst conveying the information in a clear and entertaining manner. Animation maintains the fun and is a great way to deepen visual understanding and communication, especially when dealing with a younger target audience.

We took the initial written format and used storytelling to bring the characters and entire concept to life, making this an interesting and of course, important project to work on!

Bug Busters Animation Feedback

Jamie, who led this project, said…

Bug Busters was a very clever play on Ghostbusters so it was already funny to see in concept. The graphic design and concept was already strong when it was delivered to us so the challenge was doing justice to the artwork in making it all move!

2d cartoon animation bug busters council

2d cartoon animation bug busters council

Do you need an animation for your organisation? Do you need to break down a complex service in an engaging way? Whatever your needs are, we will be happy to help you. Why not get in touch today through our contact page?

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