Corporate Animation

Manjeeta's Story
Redrow Homes
Our Brief

We teamed up with one of the UK’s largest housebuilders for a corporate animation all about the journey of one of its graduates!

Redrow PLC, a housebuilding firm based in Flintshire, is today one of the largest companies in the UK, with the firm listed on the London Stock Exchange and a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index (an index listing the 101st to 350th largest companies on the Exchange).

Redrow has been able to grow as a business since its formation in 1974 partly due to the work of its graduates – young people enrolled on the graduate schemes offered by the firm across the country.

These schemes play a key role in allowing the organisation to continue to deliver award-winning developments, and come with numerous benefits for those looking to sign up to them.

One young person in particular who signed up to one of the schemes on offer from the company was Manjeeta Pathak, and the team at Redrow contacted us to ask if we could create an animation for them about her and her journey!

Manjeeta's Story

For this project, we firstly travelled down to London where we met Manjeeta, who joined one of Redrow’s graduate schemes shortly after completing her Masters degree at City, University of London.

We got Manjeeta’s thoughts on her journey from being a young person interested in engineering to starting with Redrow, and how she feels valued as a person within the company.

Using the captured audio from our meeting with Manjeeta, our animation team then created a motion graphics animation entitled ‘Manjeeta’s story’ – a 70 second effort which you can watch above.

Our animation has since gone on to become a key part of the ‘Graduates’ section of Redrow’s website, which you can view by clicking here!

Our thanks go to Manjeeta and to the team at Redrow for allowing us to work with them on this exciting project!

Like our corporate animation, and think your business could do with one of its own to promote a scheme of its own?

If so, we know we can help!

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