Graduation Live Streams

Graduation Live Streams
University of Wolverhampton
Our Brief

The University of Wolverhampton were looking to live stream the September 2022 graduation ceremonies to their students, staff, families and friends all across the world.

Our role was to film the ceremony days commencing everyday from the 5th to the 10th September from which twelve videos would be produced.

At the University of Wolverhampton, as with any university, graduations are a very important and highly valued occasion. They allow students to celebrate their accomplishments with their family, friends and lecturers, so it’s always a special time for the entire community.

All of these graduation ceremonies were held at the Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton, a reputable theatre in the heart of the Midlands, that is highly sought after for such occasions.

Graduation Live Streams

Naturally, graduation ceremonies can only accommodate a certain number of guests, limiting a student's ability to bring as many family members or friends as possible.

Because of the limited number of seats at the Grand, the University had to limit in-person guests to only two per graduate, meaning that there’d be thousands of disappointed family members all over the place!

However, if they can’t be there in person, how nice would it be if they could watch and feel like they were a part of the celebration, from the comfort of their own home. Live Streams especially and videos have the ability to accomplish exactly this.

All the viewer has to do is flick on the link and sit back with a cup of tea. They can even watch it in their pyjamas if they really wish, or together as a big group.

These twelve live streams we filmed were broadcasted onto YouTube, via a University landing page that was sent out to graduates, ensuring that all of the content was managed in one place, making it as convenient as possible for anyone to watch. We get it, technology can be confusing, especially when grandparents are in the mix, but the Uni made the live stream as easy as possible for everyone!

We’ve been in charge of the University graduations for the last few years, but it’s still important that we prepare by identifying what equipment we would need to take, ensuring it’s all charged and packed ready to take the following day and still consider how we’re going to manoeuvre and use the space, particularly when live streaming because you want to get the best angles.

We know the Grand like the back of our hand (unintentional poetry) by now, but it’s always better to be prepared so that we are able to hop up the road from the office and settle each morning ready for the day ahead.

We always aim to ensure that the live streams are visually appealing and engaging for the audience, making where we chose to position ourselves and the cameras very important.

We wanted to focus on getting the best view of all the graduates and the entire set up. The grand itself is a beautiful venue, but when it’s transformed with decorations and balloons, it really adds to the whole atmosphere of the event, even through a screen!

Over the graduation streams, there was a total of 7100 viewers!

Tom, who has been thoroughly involved in the University graduations, said:

“We’ve done a few ceremonies now over the years so we completely understand the process and have perfected our workflow, from a minimally intrusive setup of remote cameras to avoid taking up too much space in the auditorium seating, to our live stream flight case that contains everything we need ready to setup in double time!”

Does your organisation need a live stream? Maybe you want your event to have a wider reach. Whatever your needs are, we will be happy to help you. Why not get in touch today through our contact page?

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