Personalised Video

Personalised Video
University of Wolverhampton
Our Brief

Innovation was the driver for a special personalised video campaign we created for the University of Wolverhampton!

The world of video production continues to evolve, which is why video production companies such as ourselves are now able to create videos using techniques not available even a few years ago – videos such as personalised ones.

Inspired by e-mails which are automated but addressed to an individual by their name, a personalised video is one that features a scene (or maybe several scenes) where a bespoke piece of text appears which is directly related to the viewer.

In simple language, it’s a video which contains details unique to a viewer - which makes it really connect and stand out from the crowd.

Personalised Video

We were approached by the team at the University of Wolverhampton and tasked with creating a personalised video for prospective students of the university who had just gone through the clearing process.

To tackle this brief, we first conducted a day of filming at the University’s City Campus – a day which featured professional actors, paid extras, and copious amounts of coffee to keep spirits up!

After our filming was complete and our footage edited, we were then able to add the bespoke pieces of custom text to the video – in this instance, the name of the prospective student the video was being sent out to, and the course they had expressed an interest in enrolling on.

An example of our video is above. The 45 second video is designed to provide a snapshot of what it’s like to study at the university, and concludes with the tagline “Welcome to the pack”.


For more on personalised videos, visit our specialist webpage on the topic.

Personalised Video

Like our personalised video, and think your organisation or company could do with one of its own to make it really stand out from the crowd?

If so, we are absolutely certain that we can help!

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