Stock n Lock wanted to create an explainer animation to show customers how they can benefit from the self storage space, but in a way that resonates more emotionally than just explaining what space is available.
Stock n Lock is a self storage provider, with facilities in Worcester and Stonehouse.
The explainer animation needed to show the functionality of the Stock n Lock service, with users able to select their room size online.
The key message that needed to be included in the explainer animation was that Stock n Lock is ‘your place to make space’ and is a ‘hotel for your stuff’!
We also needed to include that there is a size estimator on the website, to try and figure out what room you will need; with sizes ranging from a car boot to a tennis court.
Without the explainer animation, people may not have seen the benefits of self storage, or understood just how useful it can be.
There are endless reasons for using self storage, so it was important to try and plant the seed in people's minds.
Without doing so, people are more likely to go down the traditional route of having their house absolutely crammed with stuff!
Explainer animations are the best way to explain a service or product in a succinct and engaging way. Furthermore, this saves staff time explaining things, increases consistency and shows it in a way you can't get across in a conversation.
Showing a mother and her child was a way to connect emotionally with the audience and show the benefits of self storage in real time.
Jessica from Stock n Lock was happy with the end result; saying
“The video you created is going to be placed on the front page of our brand-new website. We feel you have done amazing in creating exactly the vision we had for our video and we are all super excited to get this live to our customers visiting our website.”
Jamie, our head of animation, said on the project
"Stock and Lock was a fun one because the client had a fun idea to propose! They wanted to mix Toy Story with a bit of corporate show and tell to re-launch their services so from a creative stand-point, we had complete reign on the design which is always good for getting the creative juices pumping!"
Do you need an explainer animation for your organisation? Is there a service of yours that you want to explain in an engaging way? Whatever your needs are, we will be happy to help you. Why not get in touch today through our contact page?