Redbourne Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard Animation
Redbourne Wealth Management
Our Brief

Sometimes in life we all need a bit of guidance – particularly when we’re thinking about the financial futures of both ourselves and our families.

We might be earning money from a number of different sources, but are we managing our means in the most efficient manner in regards to the long term?

Thankfully, that’s where the team at Redbourne Wealth Management can help.

Redbourne Wealth Management is an award winning IFA (Independent Financial Advisor) based in the West Midlands, with offices in Shrewsbury, Bromsgrove, and Stratford-upon-Avon.

Their highly qualified team work with clients to assist them with their finances and to help them achieve their financial goals in life – whatever they may be.

We were approached by Redbourne with a simple brief – to create a video which highlighted the services they can offer their clients in an easy to understand and visually stimulating manner.

Whiteboard Animation

To do this, we decided to create our video in the form of a whiteboard animation – a process where pictures are drawn onto a whiteboard and then animated to help tell a story.

Our video (which you can see above) centres around a bucket.

The bucket represents a client’s assets – such as cash, investments, savings accounts etc. – and can be filled in a number of different ways.

Over time the bucket will be topped up, but it will also be depleted, too, which is where the experts at Redbourne play their part.

They will advise their clients in managing their funds – or bucket! - in the most tax efficient manner possible, as well as managing their investments in line with their long term goals.

With careful planning, this will lead to a topped up (but not overflowing) bucket, and a number of smaller buckets for future generations, too.

For more about Redbourne and the outstanding services they can offer, visit their website.

Like the look of our whiteboard animation, and think you’d like one to help advertise the services your company can offer?

We’re sure we can help, so drop us a line today!

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