UoW Apprenticeship Hub Explainer Animation

Apprenticeship Hub Explainer Animation
University of Wolverhampton
Our Brief

The University of Wolverhampton team were looking to offer key information and clarity to employers who are going through the apprenticeship sign up process for an employee through an explainer animation. They wanted to reduce the need for individual conversations with employers and instead provide a clear timeline of what is needed during the process.

The explainer animation that the University wanted would detail all of the elements involved in the Apprenticeship Hub.

The University of Wolverhampton Apprenticeship Hub is a one-stop destination for employers, parents, and apprentices.

Through their work with colleges and training providers, the Apprenticeship Hub co-ordinates apprenticeship needs while offering valuable resources and support for employers and budding apprentices alike.

Apprenticeship Hub Explainer Animation

The University of Wolverhampton Apprenticeship Hub offers apprenticeships across a huge variety of sectors. They are always looking for new employers to join the programme, so this explainer animation would make it as easy as possible for newly signed up employers, or those with new apprentices.

There were a few key elements that needed to be highlighted for the employer and apprentice to fully understand the application process.

An explainer animation was a great option for the University, because they’re designed to keep audiences engaged while breaking down complex topics into easily digestible pieces.

The problem that the University was facing was that they were spending a lot of time talking individually to employers about the sign up and application process for apprentices going through the Apprenticeship Hub.

The cause of this problem was that there wasn’t a conclusive set of information available that went into depth about the application process.

The impact of having to have these individual conversations on a regular basis is that less time can be spent finding and recruiting new employers and apprentices. Understandably and inevitably, there’ll be questions and conversations that happen between the Apprenticeship Hub, but an explainer animation drastically reduces the necessary conversation time.

After approaching us with the idea of an explainer animation and providing the script, we went back with an initial storyboard that would outline key parts of the video and how to display the information.

The explainer animation would live on the UoW website, as well as being sent out to businesses upon application or enquiry.

Preeti, who led the project, said

“Overall, this animation was a fairly simple one. However the bold colours, line work and bouncy style make this animation quite unique. With this, we were able to add in a few more interesting transitions between each shot to make it more engaging.”

Do you want an explainer animation for your organisation? Maybe you have a lot of information you need to get across in a simple way. Whatever your needs are, we will be happy to help you. Why not get in touch today through our contact page?

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