This animation video was part of two short animated videos we created for the University of Wolverhampton. The animation videos were created to inform current students about a mentoring scheme available at The University of Wolverhampton.
In the ideas process it was clear we needed to show how others have benefitted from the scheme. We felt that the best way to do this was to hear the stories of people who have been through the process. The client suggested talking head videos could be the way forward but we were falling asleep at the thought of the idea. Often, we help our clients who have a half developed idea to take it to the next level.
We came up with an animation video style to tell the story from audio that we captured from the previous participants. Capturing audio from the former mentors and mentees was a great way to tell a real story. What better way to do it than hear it from the horses mouth?
Watch the making of the animation video below to see how it progressed.
We are really pleased with the animation videos and we have had some wonderful feedback. Contact us today for a free consultation on how we can help your business.