EBI wanted to create an explainer animation that showed how it supports its members. The video will be targeted at clients of financial advisers (EBI members) that are looking for investment advice.
EBI provides evidence-based investment management and supporting resources to a select group of the UK’s most knowledgeable and forward-thinking financial advisers. Their investing philosophy combines more than six decades of market data, Nobel Prize-winning academic research and behavioural finance.
The explainer animation would outline all of these key points in a simple way, enabling everyone to properly understand the way EBI invest money.
The problem that EBI faced was being able to convey what some people might consider jargon in an understandable and succinct way, to become as accessible as possible.
EBI didn’t have a succinct explainer animation or video, so were relying on their website content to explain the depth to which they conduct research before investing.>
One of EBI’s unique selling points is that their investment is based on extensive research and consideration of market trends. The impact of people not understanding this, or getting lost in the technical jargon, is that EBI could potentially lose out on business. An easily distributable video deals with that issue instantly.
Not only is there an opportunity lost in explaining their investing method to potential new clients, but by not having a simple explainer animation the opportunity is lost to expand to wider audiences.
The explainer animation needed to be reasonably formal as per the nature of the business, with visual elements that represented what happens to your money during an investment. For example, we showed a tree growing from a £1 coin root; a money tree, if you will.
Jamie, our head of animation, said on the project
"Every now and then, a client comes forward with a strong visual idea and direction they have in mind that's a challenge to replicate and capture the feel of what they are after. After some back and forth, we finally hit the mark!"
Preeti, our lead design on the project, said
“The EBI explainer animation was a fun little video where we were able to involve a fair amount of character animation. We chose to incorporate more fluid transitions which flew from one shot into the next seamlessly. Overall, making the animation more visually interesting and cheerful”