Case Study Videos

Watch and Wait
Leukaemia CARE
Our Brief

We teamed up with a charity for a series of case study videos in support of a campaign it was launching for those with a form of leukaemia.

Based in Worcester in the West Midlands, Leukaemia CARE is a national charity dedicated to supporting anyone affected by blood cancers – whether that’s the individual themselves or their family, friends, or colleagues.

In 2018, the charity launched a campaign highlighting the emotional impact of the “Watch and Wait” programme – a programme for those with a form of leukaemia called ‘Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia’ (CLL).

“Watch and Wait” (sometimes called “active monitoring”) is the process of regularly monitoring CLL patients over time to see how their cancer progresses, with treatment only beginning once CLL cells are taking up space within the blood.

This has led the process being described as “Watch and Worry” by some. To help assist in improving the supportive care patients on the programme receive, Leukaemia CARE turned to us.

Watch and Wait

For this brief, the team at the charity asked us to create a series of case study videos for them where the viewer hears from those living with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

In our videos – two of which you can watch above/below – we join patients Erica and Paul as they talk about their CLL diagnosis, their experiences since then, and how “Watch and Wait” has proved difficult for them.

Our videos are equipped with evocative music and subtitles, and conclude with the hashtag related to the charity’s scheme - #WatchWaitWorry.


Our videos were greeted with a positive reaction, with Bethany Torr, Campaigns and Advocacy Officer at Leukaemia CARE, describing them as being “very valuable… (and) helping to support the campaign online and in the press.”

Think your organisation could do with some case study videos to assist in highlighting a scheme it’s running?

If so, we’re sure that we can help!

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